Saturday, September 4, 2010

Vintage Steam Heat Radiators

Danube Telekom scares Tunisian operators

Here's some news that might disturb the telephone operators Tunisian including the newest Orange. Danube Telekom is preparing to integrate the Tunisian market telephony and mobile offering (before the establishment of an offer fixed telephony and internet) has something thrilling competition. Especially in this time of Ramadan during which the agitation of the advertising market is strongest.

mobile offers very attractive

For its mobile offer, Danube Telekom will not do things by halves. The operator on hand ranges of packages at a fixed price per month involving three target audiences:
- Pros
- Individuals
- Young people between 12 and 24 years

For professionals, packages appeal to all mobile operators and fixed without surcharge . The price range is very interesting: 20 dinars
Package: 30 hours of communication to mobile and fixed rate for 30 dinars
: 50 hours of talk
40 dinars Package: 70 hours of talk time plus bonus called "reverso" which can accumulate unused hours to 70 hours of the following month.

For individuals , 2 packages appeal to all operators and fixed without surcharge: 20 dinars mini
Package: 30 contact hours can refills Danube Telekom outlets or internet site coming
40 dinars Max Package: 60 hours communication with the same opportunities for refills.

For young (12-24 years) package "blocked" convenient for them and the parents of 15 dinars per month which entitles you to 25 hours of communication. The young will be entitled to charge only one-third the amount consumed if the package has not been exhausted and 15 dinars if he is exhausted.


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