Monday, November 29, 2010

Bathroom Fans And Electricity Bill


Those who follow this blog are aware that this year I applied for the first time in my life, a plan Driving a little structure that is mainly based (mais.pas only) on a book that has had great success in Spain "planning Pedaladas silent" written by Chema Arguedas (a bicycle tour which, thanks to his passion, specializes in the areas of training and nutrition. Even if it continues always with his job as a machinist at RENFE).

Recently, at the start of registration for the Quebrantahuesos and the Etape du Tour, a lot of people (rather than Spain, but not exclusively) focused on the results of such planning and especially to see if it really market. In any case, I pretend to be expert but I just want to share with you my personal experience.

The first thing to consider is that the mere structure and plan the season (according to my available family and work) was in itself a source of motivation even further in time to run various training sessions. At any time you know what to do and for what.

And after a few weeks of progress with the program, motivation goes up a notch and it's much easier to introduce changes to the unexpected and / or adapt a session depending on the shape / fatigue the moment.

Regarding the training, I started early this year with the objective of achieving very cool the first two months (January and February) but mixing the aerobic base (below 70% of the freq. cardiac max.) sessions with force development (big gear low cadence +).
The problem is that on the home trainer can perform the exercises as we had planned, but when you go out with a group that is very difficult (or impossible) to keep pace if bottom wheel without letting go. So even without reaching the levels of heart rate in other years, I passed, systematically, the level that I had originally planned (which is not good for developing the hair). Still, my average heart rate during these two months was down more than ten beats before (which shows how I roll ;-) before m'assagir

Towards the end of February to prepare the second phase, where I had to start working the split, I made a Conconi test "homemade" (with a home trainer and someone who can take the data it really easy). This enabled me to determine anaerobic threshold for my work as it should be alternated with some cool sessions to continue the development of capillaries.

And that way, I came to spring break (mid-April) when I'm gone for two weeks in Spain. Now, I could use all the tracks of my heart. During this period I used to test me with an outlet long distance (~ 150 km - 2000 m vertical) at a rate of cycling event, so between 150 and 160 beats. Max. A golden opportunity to test also the energy that I use to think cyclists. My main

problem during my holiday in Spain is to follow a balanced diet and, above all, compatible with training as intensive. The family receives you with open arms and they make a point of honor you prepare the dishes we like and that, moreover, I did not get to eat for the rest of the year and ... me, I can not say no ... ;-)

Conclusion, reducing weight I started was cut short and, well, I did a lot of my workouts vacuum because, despite everything, I had not eaten carbohydrates. So, finally, the break level as I had planned did not happen and I stayed (at about) the same fitness level as in 2009. Because of poor diet I had wasted my lead.

Anyway, after much sacrifice and only one month of my first goal, I did not watch this kind of detail, therefore, during the month of May, I continued with the planned program: intensive sessions for work rhythm and the threshold but not exceeding four hours of riding.

The appointment approached but just a week before and because of the job, I had to leave Valladolid with four French colleagues who were willing to try English cuisine accompanied by a "few" beers to drink: Ideal conditions for preparing the three balloons, a race of 205 km with more than 4000 m drop ;-)

The penalty on this test did not reach, but there were other reasons:
- First, it is a cyclo too hard to be programmed as the first appointment (I had to plan at least another in mid-May, as I did in 2009, or make two or three trips of more than six hours).
- Those who read the Chronicle will recall that I had mild dehydration with a windbreaker that I too dragged me and some digestive problems because of my products Overstims's body had trouble assimilating (which does not mean that they are for something, just that I do not tolerate well).
- I was not strong: By causing the intensity I forgot that little detail ... :-(

There were only two weekends (almost three weeks) for the Marmotte and despite the good feelings I had two problems for urgent attention: The weight (almost 1.5 kg compared to my healthy weight and strength. So these days, I adapted my training by adding some intensive sessions to develop strength and all that, not to mention outings too cool not to enter the reserves.
And Groundhog Day has arrived. An edition where the combination of heat and humidity affected me a lot. But to be perfectly honest, despite the accumulated effort and dragged him semi-structured, I was not the same as in 2009. I estimate that at around the 4% below.

Does that mean that the program has wrong? The answer in a few days ... ;-) Good



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