Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Old School Rollerskating


Last Monday, I stayed in bed so I ' I missed my appointment with the group Babou. Later in the morning I went out alone with the purpose of preparing my first goal of the 2011 season.

And now, after a few hints that I did in my past Chronic, I guess you begin to wonder what is it?

So at risk of disappointing you, here's the goal I set myself from the month of March (when he shoed less cold and the days are a bit longer): Go to work by bike ... ¡TACHAAAAM! :-)

And while the story for this?? (Oh yes you've thought so hard that I've heard ;-)

Well first be tried (and convicted, no doubt) let me explain the context:
- For starters, I live at 30 km from the job in the most densely populated area across Europe, so the highways and / or any freeways and millions of cars.
- The first leg (~ 15 km) leads to North (me closer to Paris) through a busy suburban area transited. At least she is very well lit.
- Bad luck, these 15 km are uphill (180 m vertical position) to reach the plateau where is located the Technocentre (Renault's engineering center).
- The first km is followed by about five miles on a road "lonely" no lights where cars, coming out of a box full of red lights, trace to 200 km / h (at least ... - )
- But all is not as "difficult" because, on the course, there are many bicycle paths. This words, these early research, I found (except around St. Quentin en Yvelines), which is VERY far from having a network of bikeways worthy of the name.

Some will ask why such an idea now. Well, it may shock you, but in the temple of the automobile (the Renault Technocentre ;-) there are a lot of people coming to work by bike. I'm surrounded ... among them, the most you could say ... crazy, just in from Paris to mountain bike through the parks and forests (in some parts of the trail singletrack), and all this at night.

As you understand, I have finished for me ask and soon the idea of the challenge came to mind ...

The first difficulty was finding a route through the urban area (where no one hardly ever happens at our Sunday outings). And, of course, avoiding the highways and freeways.

few hours on Google Maps just have to find different opportunities that I have tested in the field, which evolves very quickly. For evidence, I discovered a new cycle track between the train station of Massy Palaiseau and Polytechnic which was not documented and could spare me a part of the trail in town ...

After some partial tests, this Monday was my first rehearsal I managed to travel the 30 miles between home and work (a little over 60 if one considers the return). Incidentally, I used to analyze the different alternatives. The goal is to find the safest route possible.

The day dawned with a little fog, but a few kilometers later, coming on the Saclay plateau around the track not listed, the sun was at the appointment. I wanted to test the percentage with a 39x25 and the conclusion is that it is a little hard to train the pace (basic endurance).

Once on board, after considering two dead ends (or became forest roads), I took the piece of road that leads to Saclay and I would like to avoid (the one where cars travel at 200 km / h). Here

arriving at Saclay (at the end of the "famous" straight line) ... At Saclay we can take a bike lane (below) that runs the Institute for Nuclear Studies to continue, just after, to St. Aubin (where no one ever goes) which means that I should give and take, again, the road to Chateaufort. A Chateaufort we enter the new town of St Quentin en Yvelines, and here we feel the difference quickly, because everything has been thought to foment public transport and sustainable development. Of exclusive lanes for buses and other buses for all. The only area where I know we have a real alternative to cars. The dream eco-cycling became a reality.

Pictured below, you have a good example: the road to the left, center the cycle lane and ultimately the right way for the bus. And that's by any ... Under these conditions, the last miles of the course were really a treat: no stress to vehicle traffic and, in addition, it is flat as a table.

And here, the photos on arrival at destination. 1:20 'at leisurely pace, with a little exploring and observing the lights. (sorry, but I had the sun in front)

In return, I used to test alternative routes. For starters, instead of returning to cycling through the chipboard I went on a road which skirts the airport Toussus and, increasingly, is closed to vehicles (except agricultural vehicles and two wheelers). So, I decided that this will be my main course (I do not think that morning, I find the plugs because tractors ;-). After

to avoid the stretch of road between Saclay and the Polytechnic (most dangerous) I turned Saclay (along the N118). A detour of about two kilometers but the track is in good condition.

Crossing the N118 (before descending upon Orsay) there is a bike path that leads to the Polytechnic. I learned that on a map because it is so hidden (wedged between trees and a stone wall) that I had ever seen.

The problem is that it is not maintained: potholes and roots everywhere. With a mountain pass but it could not with my old Vitus. Otherwise, I found that the elasticity is among the many properties of Dural, so before losing all my teeth, because of vibrations, I decided to go back on the road.

Once at the Polytechnic ... I got in! Obviously, this was intentional because inside there is a road ring-shaped (sort of device around all buildings and facilities). Person not monitoring or at the entrance or exit, despite the barriers (which were removed) and guard posts (empty). If it is confirmed I can avoid the piece of road as dangerous.

And from there, downhill without any problems, through the urban area (Palaiseau, Champlan Longjumeau, etc..) To the house. Barely an hour to return. Yesterday I put more time stuck in traffic.

Well, once identified the road (several alternatives) it remains only to equip the bike with lights, buy a reflective vest (adapted cycling), a backpack (for the tie ;-) and finally find the locker room and make sure I have access (they are in a confidential area managed by the Directorate to which I belong). But all that, I'll explain later ...

Also, someone has tested the little guy who is on the zoom bar in Google Maps? I suggest you take the ave mouse and place it on a map point that you're looking ... Watch, we're being watched!

Good Road


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