Wednesday, December 29, 2010

3 Minutel Funny Speeches


With the release today, 50 km bike paced very quiet (128 beats on average) I just get to 10 000 km since the beginning of 2010 (750 ATV, 1550 on the home trainer and the rest on the road).
More 410 hours spent on one of my five bikes: Three road and two mountain bikes (the problem of life straddling two countries).

As Manolo (a English friend) I'm not all obsessed with the miles or hours of cycling. Indeed, most of the time the screen of my heart shows only time, temperature and pulse (almost never speed or distance).

But when I get home, I'm the engineer, needs all this data to dissect out, assess the state of my form and, if necessary, adjust my training. For once, just to say a little my confidence or my motivate it's already ... ... ;-)

's all for today, tomorrow the summary of the year in pictures, do not miss ...

Good Road


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