Sunday, December 19, 2010

Cardrecovery 5.30 Working


Yesterday, Saturday, very early (it was out before the snow storms), we went to Spain. No problems to report on the road, the snow was present all along the road (to Millau), but the highway was unobstructed and not many people. Here

somewhere between Issoire and St. Flour (scenario the next stage of the Tour) where the temperature was -18 ° C. The coldest point of the entire road. I hope that this summer the conditions are a little warmer ... ;-)
The bad news (at least for me) was that, while I was on the road, my colleagues here Spain closed the season with an output of more fun and friendly: the output of Christmas.
And today, Sunday: Session ATV (with my other colleagues), but ... surprise! Almost one in RDV, only Toni (with his new bike ... well, he already has two months) and Christian.
must say that to 0800 they fell three drops of rain (three drops I assure you, not one more ;-). It's more the "cold duck" (between 5 and 11 ° C ;-) are enough for almost everyone stays in bed ... Well, I should not criticize much as ten years ago I would have done the same; -). Departure Mas

the Artis and the Pic de l'Aguila to take what used to be a super nice trail and has been converted into a forest track (almost a highway) ... shame!
The pace was a little higher that corresponds to me in this period but that I already knew because mountain biking is hard here (42 km - 780 m altitude). I limited the damage, as well, by staying under the anaerobic threshold except in the few steep paths where you have no choice but to press for a few seconds to stay on the bike.

But the worst was when were returned to the summit of Pico Aguila and we went down to Casa Alta. Indeed, someone has decided to construct the road (which had no need to be developed and least in the country to the brink of bankruptcy) and who did it could be accused of criminal (and the word is ...).

I always try to be moderate in my comments ... but then he had to see it live. A path has sharp vertical drop but had no danger (for someone used to the bike) was transformed into a succession of traps. In fact, the guy who did it, did not compacted the ground so several times, my front wheel was bent almost to the axis. Further, he had accumulated such a quantity of stones that was really difficult to pass.

In conclusion, I nearly fell twice and I was scared during the descent. I was alone because Toni is Christian and had fallen as much as I fear. Unfortunately, this crap will not end like that, because this course is passed, then, I'm sure there will be victims ... hope not too serious

:-( After this moment of terror, we continued and arrived at Vilanova no other problems to report. But I am not immediately returned home because today there was the "Cursa del Pavo (the last road race in the region) where some of my colleagues participate while others run them. A good opportunity to meet colleagues that I could not greet yesterday.

Here Joan Font (a component of the group) posted in front of the race.
They (those who came as spectators) were, as usual at the top of the hill to the Casino where I spent a long time to go home.

Not bad for a rainy day ... ;-) Good



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